It’s not easy dealing with unemployment or rejection, and the recent changes in the economy have only added insult to injury. Jobs are not only scarce, but they are also hard to get, so if any employer has openings they are probably looking for the best of the best to apply. Naturally, this requires you to put your best front out to secure a job.
A simple exercise can help you put things into perspective. Put yourself in the shoes of a job recruiter and analyze your resume. This will help you point out any gaps or unnecessary information that may need to be dealt with. However, getting a job is not solely based on your CV so here are some pointers to guide you in becoming more employable.

1.Network Your Way to the Top
There are many sites that allow you to connect with people across the world. You can use this to your advantage and network with people working or having worked in your field. Their experiences and advice can help you not only get a clearer picture but can also give you a sense of direction on where to start. The people you network with can provide you support and information but at times they can also be the ones to put in a good word for you.
2.Updating Your CV
People tend to ignore their CV and leave them without updating for months. This is not recommended as it can give off a bad impression to recruiters since it only take a couple of minutes to go over your CV, so why not put forth the best picture of yourself?

3. Volunteering
Volunteering is an excellent way to boost your network and gain some skills on the way. It can also help you give back to your community and enable you to change lives. But when it comes to job search, volunteer work can be a great opportunity to learn skills that employers are usually looking for such as leadership, crisis management, and problem-solving.
4. Looking the Part
You must be aware of the saying ‘fake it, till you make it’. This is very important for job seekers to understand. Your first impression can make or break the deal for you, meaning that it has the power to either land you a job or send you searching once more. So, your job is to make sure you dress the part.
Caption: Even if you sit for an online interview, aim to look your best
All in All
With the economy slowly getting back to its feet, now’s the perfect time for you to get back out there. Make good use of these tips and land the job of your dreams this year!