Golf star Tiger Woods was apprehended by the local police unit in Florida for driving under the influence of alcohol. It was reported that he was already found by the cops after the vehicle was already brought to a halt.

The fancy vehicle a Mercedes luxury sedan, 2015 was said to have taken some damages, and it was obvious that he had crashed the vehicle before he was found. The tires were said to have been badly damaged, and the wheels were taking a great amount stain.
The Vehicles Worth
The S65, a huge extravagance vehicle fueled by a 621-horsepower 6.0-liter twin turbo V12, has been estimated to cost about $220,000 if Woods bought it 2015.
Damages Done to The Vehicle
From the photos of the vehicle taken at the spot by the police, it would appear that Woods hit something extremely hard to tear his front and back tires and twist the composite wheels before he chose to bail on his ride and pull it over.
It seemed that Woods hit something sufficiently hard to tear his front and back tires and twist the composite wheels before he chose to bail on his drive and pull over.

Tiger Woods took a deliberate rest from the sports scene within the period of December 2009 to early April 2010 out of a vain endeavor to settle and finalize conjugal issues with his then spouse Elin.
The couple in the long run still got separated due to many affirmed extramarital thoughtless activities that were uncovered by a few ladies through media sources.
Woods also faced personal issues like injuries with a progression of wounds and medicines by the medical specialist Anthony Galea who is famous for connection with drugs that enhance sport performances.
He was also said to have and lost golf structure. It was really a low point in his career, as he tumbled to as low as rank 58 in for the gold rating in 2011.
Resurgent Of Tiger Woods Career
Woods, however, was able to oversee a resurgent in his career after he overcame a profession high winless streak of 107 weeks when he triumphed in the Chevron Challenge later in 2011.

After winning the Arnold Palmer Invitational in 2013, Woods was back to his number 1 spot rose to which he retained till earl 2014, but as at that point, he had already broken the record of staying long as number one. He lasted 683 weeks.
However, he faced career challenges again from 2014 to 2017, when was unfit to recover his predominant form, and had to have surgeries to his back issue, four times in just 3 years.
This saw him slip rapidly to 1199 in the World Golf Ranking released in 2017. Woods was, however, able to improve his positioning going up to 1000 around mid-2018.
In September 2018, he won his first competition in five years with a triumph at the Tour Championship and moved to number 13 in the rankings.