No matter how much you love or how well you excel at work, we all have those moments where everything does not go according to your plan. You find yourself dealing with work stress that greatly affects your mood and enthusiasm to go to work.
Sometimes we have bad days that can last even weeks or years, leaving us feeling demotivated. But how can you determine whether you’re just experiencing stress at work or you’ve already outgrown your job and are no longer happy? Watch out for these signs to determine when to keep holding onto your job and when to move on.
No Opportunities for Growth
According to renowned career coach Dana Mayer, workers tend to feel they get stuck in a career ladder the moment they passed the 3-year mark. When workers start a job, they’re usually motivated to deliver the best quality of their work because they want to get promoted. Promotion serves as our end goal to be productive and inspired to do our work well. In the first two years, you may be excited and happy to receive your promotion.

However, after that, Mayer says promotions often slow down (or sometimes stop) when you reach 3-5 years of working, especially for mid-career levels. Or worse, you’ll be left behind. If you think you’ve been doing the same thing without getting any promotion to motivate you to work, then it’s a telltale sign that you’ve already outgrown your job.
You’re Unsatisfied.
If you feel you’re no longer satisfied or you don’t feel any pride or attachment in completing your work or accomplishing your task, then it’s difficult for you to be happy and contented with your work. According to a career expert at Glassdoor named Sarah Stoddard, most workers who love their jobs feel happiness, contentment, and pride in their work the moment they know their contribution or impact on the company or organization they’re in. It motivates them to stay with the company. If you feel no attachment to your company nor your job, it means the current one you have no longer fulfills your soul.
No Opportunities to Improve Your Learning
More than just the promotion, pay raise and benefits, one major factor of having a fulfilled career is by learning new skills or taking new challenges to improve yourself. Aside from your field of expertise, you should be open-minded to learn new things that should be beneficial to advance your career. Or if not, it allows you to achieve personal improvement or growth.

If you feel the current workload, you have, isn’t enough or no longer satisfies you, try talking to your boss for possible project reassignment to make your working environment more exciting. If your current company cannot give it to you, don’t hesitate to try applying for a new company whom you believe can give you the new skills or challenge you’re looking for. Try applying for a role or do something you haven’t done in your current organization to learn new skills.
Your Goals Aren’t In Line With The Company’s Core Values

Do you find yourself not caring or not taking your company’s goals, mission, and vision? Does the company’s core values clash with your principles? If so, then the career experts say it’s a sign telling you to move on from your current job.
Why? It’s because you can never be at peace and have a harmonious work life if you’re in a constant clash with your company or co-workers. Furthermore, it isn’t healthy and productive for you. Try seeking an organization where your core values and principles are aligned to find a job that fits you best.