Multi-thousand Dollar Device Vertu is one company known for making smartphones that cost higher than the $1, 000 price benchmark. In the past, it rele…
Apple Builds Alliances for its Newspaper Subscription Service
In April, Bloomberg reported that Apple was currently in the process of creating its own newspaper subscription service. This year in March, the iPhon…
Walmart to Rival Amazon in the Entertainment Business
The two colossal giants of commerce are at it again. With Walmart dominating the brick and mortar stores market and Amazon taking the crown for being …
Airbnb Wants to Make its Hosts Stakeholder in the Company
Airbnb has made billions of dollars from its hosts and now it wants to give back to them – in the form of company shares. The online brokerage service…
Venmo App Provides Momentum for Rise in PayPal’s Share
Positive Signs The shares of PayPal reportedly surged after Venmo, the application that was purchased by the company in 2012 showed signs that it woul…
Ford Increases Its Production of $400,000 GT Supercars Due to High Demand!
Last Thursday, the prestigious automaker Ford said they’re boosting the production of their $400,000 GT supercars due to the overwhelming demand…
High Demand Causes Ford to Increase Production of Ford GT
Ford on Thursday stated its plans to increase the production of its Ford GT supercar. The boost in the production of the $400,000 car is in a bid to a…
Four Productivity Secrets from Successful Business Owners
Running a business is not easy – especially when you’re just starting out and don’t have many employees to delegate the never-ending list of tasks and…
Procter & Gamble’s Shares Increased Up to 7%, Topping Analysts’ Expectations
Last Friday, Procter & Gamble’s shares increased 7% after the company said their beauty products drive their revenue growth higher than what…
Sellers Fear for Survival as Amazon Expands its Private Label Business
Amazon’s dominance in retail has become a nightmare for competitors in the industry, and the news just keeps getting worse and worse for brands and se…